My creative Skills & Experiences

Solid background and advanced knowledge in computer development software including Javascriprt , NodeJs, and React.
Skilled in working with database management tools such as MySQL and MongoDB.
Ability to solve complex successfully with minimal guidance or help using a logical reasoning technique and a strong attention to details.
Communicating and collaborating with team members and stakeholders to ensure effective working relationships.
Working on multiple projects as a project team-member
Provides documentation of development, project progress, analysis, recommendations, either individually or by actively participating in development process

drone gif


Information Technology
3 years (6 semesters)

Program Learning Outcomes;
Identify, analyze, design, develop, implement, verify and document the requirements for a computing environment.
Diagnose, troubleshoot, document and monitor technical problems using appropriate methodologies and tools.
Analyze, design, implement and maintain secure computing environments.
Analyze, develop and maintain robust computing system solutions through validation testing and industry best practices.
Communicate and collaborate with team members and stakeholders to ensure effective working relationships.
Select and apply strategies for personal and professional development to enhance work performance.
Apply project management principles and tools when responding to requirements and monitoring projects within a computing environment.
Adhere to ethical, social media, legal, regulatory and economic requirements and/or principles in the development and management of the computing solutions and systems.
Investigate emerging trends to respond to technical challenges.
Gather, analyze and define software system specifications based on functional and non-functional requirements.
Design, develop, document, implement, maintain and test software systems by using industry standard software development methodologies based on defined specifications and existing technologies/frameworks.
Select and apply object-oriented and other design concepts and principles, as well as business requirements, to the software development process.
Gather requirements and model, design, implement, optimize and maintain data storage solutions.
Integrate network communications into software solutions by adhering to protocol standards.


3 years (6 semesters)

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Team Working...

You can learn programming but not working as a team without school

Yes..., that is right.There is no ā€œiā€ in team if you coding as a team.

I have learned a lot while taking Computer Programming and Analyst.One of the most important one as i mention above , i learnt that there is no "i" in team working especially if you are coding along.The most creative one i believe is GitHub.It is fantastic.Froking ,creating repositories , making another branch and publishing It is hard to deal with some issues , so why not using the github and share with your friends without affecting your own original code.I have learned while taking courses. Making network and dealing with codes as a team.The most important part and i can say that i was really good with that.

Projects and Assignments...

Are you expected to go to office hours for every assignment in order to complete it?

I can still remember that on my first semester i sat down on computer to complete my first project at the end of semester.I was trying complete my first website and present it in class to everyone. When i start coding it was giving an issue that i couldnt find out and sat there in despair for hours and hours :) .Finally , i found out that the issue was with looping.I can never forget it. Because learning is hard and so is programming.I remember that assignment took me 30 hours which I could now that I know what I could do it easily.

Worked and created IOS App Project with 4 teams ;

  Watch the project on Youtube

  Check the source code on GitHub

  Download the file as PDF

I built my PortFolio using ;

I have used in thise website nodeJS,JavaScript,MongoDB with Mongoose.I have deployed my website heroku